Criminal justice, seen as a way of rewarding, through the law, who has been harmed by some act and also as a means of punishment to the offender, is currently inefficient in the form of justice, since it can not objectives such as the recovery of the offender and the reduction of violence and crime. The decisive focus of the criminal process revolves around the offender, where the State that holds the monopoly of justice, imposes the determination of guilt and the imposition of pain, with the application of the penalty. The victim, in turn, remains out of the way, being neglected in his rights, needs and desires, which contributes to nourishing the desire for revenge and may thus be contributing to the reproduction of violence and crime. In this aspect, a study on Restorative Justice (with application in the crimes involving available rights violated in crimes, criminal contraventions and infractions) is presented, as a complementary means to the present justice system, directing the investigation to the realization of the rights of the victim For the construction of a new paradigm of criminal justice. The purpose of Restorative Justice is to change the focus of the process, from the offender and the materiality of the crime to the victim and the reparation of damages, where through dialogue between the participants a mutual understanding can be established with the objective of breaking the cycle of Violence, to make the offender aware, to empower the victim and to promote social peace. Thus, through the deductive method and method of socio-historical-legal approach, proposed to carry out the research, it was concluded that the application of Restorative Justice in addition to the criminal justice system, contributes to the minimization of violence and crime, since Its restorative mechanisms of justice provide autonomy for the parties as well as the community to resolve and deal with their conflicts.
É graduado em Direito pela Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI – Santo Ângelo-RS). É mestre em Direito – Políticas de Cidadania e Resolução de Conflitos – pela mesma instituição com bolsa Capes. Especialista em Criminologia, Política Criminal e Segurança Pública pela Anhanguera/LFG.
É membro do grupo de pesquisa Conflito, Cidadania e Direitos Humanos da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões (URI - Santo Ângelo-RS) e CNPq.
É docente no Curso de Pós Graduação (Especialização) Latu Sensu no Curso de Mediação, Conciliação e Arbitragem no Novo CPC (disciplina Justiça Restaurativa) na Faculdade João Paulo II de Passo Fundo – RS.
Possui vários cursos na área da Mediação de Conflitos e Justiça Restaurativa, inclusive atuando com docente e com publicação de capítulos de livros e artigos científicos.
Atuou como articulista na revista eletrônica ABC da Segurança.
É Policial Militar no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul onde serve atualmente em São Miguel das Missões, atuando como Instrutor do PROERD – Programa Educacional de Resistência às Drogas e a Violência desenvolvido nas escolas com crianças e adolescentes.