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Home > Law > Luiz Dias Martins Filho > PANDEMIA, e-NOTARIADO NO BRASIL E ECONOMIA
Author: Luiz Dias Martins Filho
Idiom: Português
Publishing House: Essere nel Mondo
Publishing Year: 2022
ISBN: 978-65-5790-068-0
Format: Electronic format only
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“Exercise of the Function of Notary Public and its Connection to the Recovery of National Economies in the Post-Pandemic Period”, written by Luiz Dias Martins Filho, appointed notary public to the First Notarial Service of Santa Cruz do Sul (www.cartoriodmartins.com.br), State of Rio Grande do Sul-RS, Brazil, has been one of two works that had been chosen by Federal Board of Brazilian Notarial College to represent the Brazilian notarial services at XXX Congress of International Union of Notaries (Cancun, Mexico, from the 1st to the 3rd of December, 2022).
Abreviações / Abreviaturas / Abbreviations
I - O Exercício da Função Pública Notarial Vinculada com a Recuperação das Economias Nacionais na Época Pós Pandemia
II - El ejercicio de la función pública notarial vinculada a la recuperación de las economías nacionales en la época postpandemia
III - Exercise of the Function of Notary Public and its Connection to the Recovery of National Economies in the Post-Pandemic Period
Luiz Dias Martins Filho
Appointed Notary Public to Santa Cruz do Sul Notarial Service/ State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - www.cartoriodmartins.com.br. Doctor in Law by the Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP). Masters in Tributary and International Commerce Law by the University of Cambridge-United Kingdom and Masters in Public Law by the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), Brazil. Specialist in Economic Integration and International Tax Law (FGV-ESAF), an European Union-Brazil Technical Cooperation Agreement. Law Graduate of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Reading for a PhD degree in Civil Law at University of Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC). Professional involvement in the areas of Tax, Civil Law, Notarial Activities, Constitutional and Administrative Law, lecturing at university level in Political Science and General Theory of the State; e-mail: luizdmf@gmail.com
Essere nel Mondo

Rua Borges de Medeiros, 76
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